Thursday, May 31, 2007

Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam

..simply means the "Soceity Republic of Vietnam" it out loud and it gives a cool somewhat weird 'ring to it ya?..hahaha.."WOW-zza" this is feeling weird yet fimiliar! hahaha, it so weird-out now and the feeling of getting-use-to again is getting unto me here again..its been a while man! well, since i log it, wrote something here for everyone out there to see..i apologise for my absence here and there..ive been busy man..real busy and okey, unlike working, im constanty having my head lean towards my drafting table guiding my pen & pencils for a job well done work till late nights most of the time..heck, till now, they are still piling up faster than snatching candy from the baby quote-actually-done!

but too, i did got myself a 'M-C' leave from my almost daily routine on the weekdays and head up north where the land becomes the 'River Interior' it was worth it, the 5 days there up in Hanoi/ Hà Nội/ HAN which ever one makes you happy calling it, its all the same! man, upon arriving, everything went to hectic calm yet adventurous..youd have to be there to understand! haha, but yea, Hanoi was cool!..overall, not to mention Bali the last time, the changing and the calculatons of the reverting currrency matter came back..this time the đồng with the many, many, many zero's! yes! the '0' fear yet made simplifiel with the USD but still fear of the '0'..anyhow, pictures will come soon all togeter with the whole trip story-time! till now, assignments!! feels good to be back somewhat/somehow, haha!

Monday, May 21, 2007

simply blog

okey..i know..WTF yea, after missing in action for like what..1 week? and here i am now, blogging for just simply amusement to get the bore out..yes, im blogging in class on my laptop whilst lecturer is in front speaking blah-blah-blah..hahaha.nevermind, the reason behind for all these time i havent been blogging is that, well..simply been busy with loads of asignments..

so anyways..i just finish my lunch and kenyang weiz! ok, enough time here,i gotta complete up another assignment now so ciaoz for now..i guess i will continue back at home later in the night..


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

inspirasation sake

my few new inspirations i picked out here and there through out the vast portal of this one creation we marvel..the internet..haha and usage for my assignments..why posting them up you ask? nothing much but just to show you the amazing power of photography and the inspiration it can grant upon oneself as it did to me..enjoy!

weekend fun

lots had happened thru out the recent weekend man! whut a way to start the weekend or to end the days of rough week eiuther way but janji, it was all fun! the to add and brag about all around was our latest big thing & that is shane's birthday over at pearl international hotel where we got ourselves a room on the 15th floor. Man! it was a great night overall of course with the few not-so-great moments thats not worth mentioning. drop that...overall a total night of fun laughter with great memories to keep as we head to our young adult-hood-ness period..haha!

21 wei..though i didnt bring my camera along that night but of course, we'd still manage to get some load full of pictures curtosy of jane's cybershot! "the pictures turned out cool man janie! props!" and too, in addition, we have a video capture of the whole entire party scene of don jon's video cam and wynton behind the, nanana, naa! actually, cut here and there minus the 'emo' parts *the basic ingredient of a perfect, good-hell-of-a-time party we noticed* and voilla, a great video of shane's 21st!

*pictures coming soon as i get them from jane..haha, thankies jane!*

again the room they got was a cool one..on the 15th floor, we expected a great view which where by, we got, excess all around, easy as it was in the middle-kindda-near to most of us as its along old klang road area..our area..ITA / ITI's area..haha and to top of, alcohol everywhere all around the room! we were blasting music, having a time of our lives, drinking, chatting, catching up on old times with old chaps of our groupie..much much more and nothing more less, we all did have our fair share of little 'downs' and loads of 'ups'! end up plak, some stayed in the room as most head home throughout the duration of our buddie shane's fantastic party!

besides that amazing highlight of the week..the month so far, i have plak my boring assignments due sometime days to come so yea, im working hard there though only having three classes in the week..elo, i have to try coapng again in this new environment of my field wei..some presentations have to be getting ready for, both in groups of two and too individual ones and assignments of both typing and sketching here and there..what to do yea but to do! sunday plak was a day's out for me and my family as we got ourselves psyc-ed out as it was Mothers day..overall again, sum up all in one word..KOOL-NESS where we had a great dinner to end that fantabulous night of celebrating the love of our mums! yeay! other that that, im still surviving life, im still with the guys mostly in the night, still inprisoning myseldf in my room sometimes in the TV room, in front of the tely doing my assignments! no change, same-O, same-O boring me..anyways..

kudoz for now!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

a day for my mommi!

Happy Mothers Day

to all the mothers out there far & wide!
i love you..we love you

*now to show my love..haha, its my turn to go out makan-makan sempena Mother's Day, ciaoz-ness*


Saturday, May 12, 2007

another 2-1 hoohah


its another 2-1 hoohah of a party later tonight wei and this time, it belongs to mr my man Shane sta Maria and the venue of the huge celebration? a hotel suite! hahahaha, yes-ness! so right now, i shall again post our last party of the 2-1 big hoohah last week belonging to Chucky's and this is his big 2-1 cake! *last post of the party no pictures* thanks to Jane's camera and later after this up & coming another party, ill have the pictures up myself here so expect some good pics! yeay!

actually i cant wait d..i nak go jump up & down with fun-ness & nothing-yo-worry-about-ness to celebrate this day of birth! haha..till then..kudoz!

yet taged-ed-ed!

haha, should i say "thanks Jane" or "haijorrh"? haha, but then, but still, looks interesting so ill give it a go dei! : P here goes and let me try my very best, let me try to rethink & recap my past back all the way since im placed in standard 4 ya? 1997? haha, forgotten but here goes..

April 1st, year 1997:

- how old were you? i reached my first 2 digits on my age, 1-0
- where did you go to school? i shall say..haha..S.K Seri Setia on okR
- where did you work? was i illegal then? duh!?! actually yea, the class brat
- where did you lived? old klang road, happy gardens where everyone smiles!
- where did you hang-ed out? mostly within school compound kut..
- did you wear glasses? nope
- who were your best friends? the Mesra-rians and some Sabar-rians
- how many tattoos did you have? none
- how many piercings did you have? none
- what car did you drive? Tamiya's all the time..i pull back and ill drag and it flew too!
- have you been to a real party? how real is Real? yes..mine and my mates!
- had your heart broken? yup, when i lost my batman toy momentarily but it healed! i found it!~

April 1st, year 2002:

- how old were you? 15 years old
- where did you go to school? bigger already that time so secondary school, SMK Sri Sentosa
- where did you work? i guess considering the end or the year at pearl point hotel doing banquet!
- where did you live? just moved to taman yarl OUG where people dont smile often already : P
- where did you hang out? mostly esso mamak..good times & midvalley..Hot place wei that time!
- who were your best friends? now the extreme predators mostly and still some here & there la..
- who was your regular-person crush? ei, no more glasses Q & A? that time..camilia lu..
- how many tattoos did you have? none still
- how many piercings did you have? none still
- what car did you drive? erm..then i shall say my bike! haha, i did get me around and its my 'car'
- had you had your heart broken? i think nope & i shall say no

April 1st, year 2007:

- how old are you? i am 2-0 going on 2-1..*you know the song*
- where do you work? im sorry to say im still studying but im kindda doing freelance ID..
- where do you live? still in Taman Yarl where people still sometimes show signs of : (
- do you wear glasses? ei, glasses Q & A came back! but nope..
- where do you hang out? mostly Bandar Park/Mega Mendung : P
- who are your best friends? i shall say at this time the ITA's..everyone i see-see besties mah!
- do you talk to your old friends? my old friends are still my friends la till this different!
- how many piercings do you have? use to have 1 but then it closed up..thinking of it again..
- how many tattoos? none still still but im's 1 on my leg above my ankel sound?
- what kind of car do you drive? a proton WAJA (AT.6) haha
- has your heart been broken? i really cant think of any right now..